Corporate Engagement and social responsibility

Your Company’s Collaboration is essential in the fight to eliminate local hunger.

A Commitment to Our Community is No Longer Optional

Now, more than ever, individuals seek employment with companies dedicated to their community, and consumers exhibit loyalty to businesses aligning with their values (Cone Communications, 2016). Community Food Share collaborates with numerous local businesses to cultivate impactful relationships that not only nourish our neighbors but also advance your distinctive Corporate Social Responsibility objectives!

0 % Employees

Report finding their job more rewarding when presented with chances to create a positive influence on social and environmental matters.

0 % Millennials

Factor in a company’s social and environmental commitments when making decisions about where to pursue employment (compared to the national average of 58%).

0 % Employees

Desire that their employer would offer volunteer opportunities that they can engage in alongside friends or family.

Your company is warmly invited to contribute to our food bank through a corporate donation. Furthermore, please explore the additional avenues through which you can assist us in combatting hunger, as outlined below! Sanad Pantry remains at your service throughout the year to collaborate with your team in formulating and executing strategies that demonstrate your company’s dedication to community support. Our dedicated staff streamlines the partnership process by offering advice, tools, and assistance.

Participate in Our Corporate Challenge to Outshine Hunger

By rallying your team to join the Corporate Challenge and vie with other local businesses to raise funds and food, you can contribute to eradicating summer hunger.

Sponsor an Event

Enhance brand recognition by becoming a sponsor for one of our yearly events. Each event presents various sponsorship tiers.

Host a Drive, In-Person or Virtually

Organize either a virtual or traditional food drive, and you’ll not only facilitate the distribution of more food to our neighbors’ homes but also create bonding and learning opportunities for your team.

If you’re seeking alternative event or fundraising concepts, get in touch with us to explore the numerous tailored fundraising possibilities your business can host.

Educate Employees About Hunger and Our Work

Hunger remains a stark reality for numerous Chicago residents, yet many remain unaware of it. Foster understanding among your employees regarding our food bank’s efforts to combat food insecurity by arranging for a guest speaker or a warehouse tour.

Volunteer with Your Coworkers

Inject some vitality into your workday while fostering camaraderie: participate in a volunteer session with us, or integrate volunteering into your new-hire orientation. Keep in mind: just one hour of volunteering contributes to 60 meals!

For more information about how your company can further work, please contact:

[email protected]
+1 773-436-7989


We offer opportunities for individuals, families, and groups.

Donate Funds

For every $1 donated, we can provide $5 worth of groceries!

Donate Food

We accept all sizes of food donations: a single box or a truckload!

Need Foods?

We will connect you to groceries, meals, pantries, and more.